Thank you 2023, Hello 2024

Thinking about the ups and down of 2023, and I realized I had so many things to be grateful for. And thinking about 2024, I realized there was so much things I was look forward to. Looking back at 2023, I'm grateful for..... * Everyone on the team, now or before,
Dec 31, 2023
Thank you 2023, Hello 2024

Thinking about the ups and down of 2023, and I realized I had so many things to be grateful for. And thinking about 2024, I realized there was so much things I was look forward to.

Looking back at 2023, I'm grateful for.....

  • Everyone on the team, now or before, since mid-2023 who helped prototype & validate the idea and gotten us this far. Mike and Rachel and others that I cannot not mention. (You know who you are). Thank you
  • Chang & Aviram at Rabbit Ventures for jumping on before I even had a company, and taking me on a venture partner.
  • Investors who have committed to supporting Jigo AI through the trust and confidence they have in me. (hoping to publicly recognize their names soon)
  • Other startup founders, who didn't hesitate to help however possible (even when we had just met). The 'pay-it-forward' and 'be helpful' mentality that stems from a love for the community is just awesome and such a force multiplier.
  • All 150+ people who had taken the time to help me validate the problem and/or have provided feedback via customer discovery interviews
  • All investors who, regardless of investment, took the time to provide feedback and, more importantly, provided quick and decisive decisions.
  • to my family supportive family - especially my better half Huey Lee

Looking into 2024, I'm excited about....

  • Building a team and subsequently a great company filled with people who feel a sense of fulfillment through the work we do.
  • Creating something that is a huge net positive in the world & knowing that users are the only people that can get us there..
  • Being uncomfortable, learning and growing in ways that I can be proud of.
  • Reaching and exploring the edge of AI technology. Its an exciting time to be in tech and AI, and the edge of what is possible is where great things happen.

Happy new year everyone!!


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